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    • February 14, 2012 8:04 AM CST
    • Anyone familiar with the Outlaws? Not the country rock band but the Joe Meek produced lot? I own a few singles and also have the excellent cd:Back to the West.

    • February 13, 2012 2:12 PM CST
    • The Moontrekkers "The Bogey Man"

      The Honeycombs "Hurricane"

    • February 14, 2012 7:29 AM CST
    • Mask and capes are MANDATORY over here and the occasional denim vest.

    • February 14, 2012 6:05 AM CST
    • I have always enjoyed watching bands that dress up. There are some people that will say that Punk is an attitude and it doesnt matter what you look like. I think thats just laziness. We are in the entertainment business! 

      What's your style, Mod suits or t-shirts and jeans, Cavemen or Spacemen.

       Bands who look great get my vote everytime. Who are the best dressed and the worst dressed bands? Do you even give a shit?


    • February 14, 2012 12:02 AM CST
    • Best news I've heard in AGES.

    • February 13, 2012 9:41 AM CST
    • Fantastic!

    • February 13, 2012 8:46 PM CST
    •  I agree , it must never be a question of gender , or the idiot notion that the differences between us are somehow bad..... Also , guys who try to discourage women from playing music need to realize , they will , regardless. Besides , I'm sure they'll find women who like men with little coctail wiener thingies. 
      Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:

      haha yeah!not here to bitch about ,but to dennounce a vast male population of music towards chicks with instruments.Jsut last week,i was inquiring about the hourly fares for some rehearsal rooms here iin Montreal,and the guy goes''for vocals,it's $15 an hour''--assuming i am NOT here to play any instrument.Pheeeeeew!

      i have many times shut some guy's skills on guitar and music generally.No later than that jam early November last year.The guy was desperatly trying to put me down--criticizing my sound,my amp,my guitar,trying to get others to change the structure of my tune,ect,but when we got to play 30 minutes all together, he stopped playing the guitar,he was so unconfortable.Yiikes!Fucking miserable.Yeah,still a loooooooonnnng way to go.lets keep the fight goin'on.Hard.Art is by no means a question of sex gender.

    • February 13, 2012 5:05 PM CST
    • HD & BK, shoot me a DM with your ideas. I've already got one from Pheck, too.


    • February 13, 2012 9:54 AM CST
    • Hello Kopper!
      Count me in.



    • February 13, 2012 9:37 AM CST
    • Hey guys,

      I'm currently looking for artists to design covers (front and back) for the GaragePunk Hideout Comp Series. The first six volumes are already done and Vol. 7 will be coming soon and we already have a cover for it, too. I can't offer you any pay as the purpose of these comps is to raise money for the Hideout (as well as give some of our bands and artists some extra exposure worldwide), but hopefully it's something you'd be able to use in your portfolios and to potentially get some paying work. If you're cool with that and would like to take a stab at it, I'm looking for someone to come up with a comp name and cover idea right now for Vol. 8. The cover should incorporate your idea for a compilation title (previous ones have been It Came From the Hideout, Songs the Hideout Taught Us, You Got Your Punk in My Garage, Way Out From the Hideout, Hidden Tracks, Noises From the Hideout and We Love Trash), plus The Best of the GaragePunk Hideout, Vol. 8. If you'd like to throw your hat in the ring, let me know by posting a response below or by sending me a direct message here.


    • February 13, 2012 5:02 PM CST
    • John, you are TOTALLY right!!! Reach through the computer, and bitch slap me for not mentioning Tombstone earlier!!! Man, this makes me feel like I'm livin' on the edge of a psychedelic nightmare. 

      John Battles said:

      Did nobody (Including myself) mention Tombstone ? Besides Dead Moon's back catalogue , and Pierced Arrows' Sophomore outing , Ma and Pa Cole have released bands they personally liked , Indigo Zeros , Undertakers , Flapjacks , and probably some others. Even though they're seen for about 20 seconds in "Hype" while Girl Trouble got 10 seconds - comparable snubberey to the otherwise recommended "Sonic BOOM" book.....Your DIY 101 course begins and ends with the Deadmoon documentary.... BREEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKKKOOOOOOOUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

    • February 13, 2012 2:43 PM CST
    • Tic Tac Totally

      Sorry State Records


      In The Red

      Kind Turkey


      Dusty Medical

      Big Neck!!!

    • February 13, 2012 1:39 PM CST
    • Did nobody (Including myself) mention Tombstone ? Besides Dead Moon's back catalogue , and Pierced Arrows' Sophomore outing , Ma and Pa Cole have released bands they personally liked , Indigo Zeros , Undertakers , Flapjacks , and probably some others. Even though they're seen for about 20 seconds in "Hype" while Girl Trouble got 10 seconds - comparable snubberey to the otherwise recommended "Sonic BOOM" book.....Your DIY 101 course begins and ends with the Deadmoon documentary.... BREEEEEEEAAAAAAAKKKKKOOOOOOOUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

    • February 13, 2012 4:15 PM CST
    • Walk The Plank Radio airs live every Monday night from 7 to 9pm est. We play a great eclectic rock n roll show featuring Roots rock n roll, Garage, Punk, Rockabilly, Country, you name it......find us at click LISTEN NOW on Monday at can also find us archived there........Petey Lightning and Mighty Matt will keep you laughing and rocking !

    • February 13, 2012 2:06 PM CST
    • Monday Feb 13th

      Today on the Wrekking Hours Radio show tune in for more great Detroit rockabilly and psychobilly music!!    

      We'll be featuring more tracks from the brand spankin new Koffin Kats album "Our Way and the Highway" -due in stores this month.

      Tune in on FM radio in the Detroit area at 89.3fm.

      Tune in online at and click the "listen now" button!!

      Tune in w/ your phone via TuneIn radio app, Public Radio Player app, or w/ V-Cast and other providers w/ streaming audio support.

      Today and every Monday ONLY!!  from 4-6pm EST (GMT-5)

    • February 13, 2012 2:05 PM CST
    • The Filaments are more angry punk ska (also not that new) I saw them first support the Exploited what must be 9 or 10 years ago now. But they were cool.

    • February 13, 2012 2:01 PM CST
    • I had a look at your profile (but not in a creepy way). And you come from the States so it's possible you missed the whole scene that was live in Britain during the naughties.

      Capdown, King Prawn, Sonic Boom Six, Howards Alias. Sonic Boom Six are still going strong although never made it into being a very big pop band which I never understood as they always seemed so close.

    • February 13, 2012 2:02 PM CST
    • I 100% agree: the term "garage" is far too trendy these days, overused and misused to the point that it's nearly useless as a name for the actual genre.  The labels "punk" and "americana" are similarly abused, but nowhere near the extent to which "garage" has been.  

      At least part of the problem is that it's all too easy for bands and labels to tag their websites and MP3s with the label "garage", in the hopes that doing so will attract more interest.  

      Often, though, it's just honest ignorance.  Many people -- even older musicians -- have no concept of garage as a genre, and think the term just refers either to a band that once played in a garage, or music created in a garage.  There are also some very sincere but confused folks who insist that garage is just a term for any primitively recorded rock music, not limited to but most especially recordings made on an iMac, using Apple GarageBand.  

      Captain Galaxy said:

      When i spin records here in north germany, i can count the people who dig it on one hand. Most know the Sonics, but if i come with 'Back from the Grave' Stuff and others they never hearded before they are not that interested.

      I think it's just lots of people do not know how to handle new impressions and are simply not interested to change because it is much easier to be as you where.

      I actually try forcing them to listen to that kind of music because it's me who's the DJ :D But seriously i don't stop to spread Garage as i understand it till i'm rid of it! A man on a mission UAhhhhh!

      ...ah, jep i think it's not trendy around here :)

    • February 13, 2012 1:59 PM CST
    • Hey everyone,

      I have been doing a radio program on CJAM 99.1 FM for the past eight years (approximately) called Revolution Rock.  The show focuses on 60s garage rock, 70s punk/new wave, alternative, surf and indie music genres.  I recently found out about this place and thought I should join up. 

      My show airs live every Tuesday from 10:30 AM until Noon on CJAM 99.1 FM in the Windsor/Detroit area, but it can also be streamed online at (here is a direct link to the stream:

      The show can be downloaded every week at:

      (the links remain for 30 days)

      It can also be subscribed to as a podcast at the link above. 

      There are a few other ways that my show has been active in the online community. 

      1.  My blog - - I have been running this blog since 2006, slowly building up a fan base.  Every week I write a different band profile and post the play list as well as download links to my program. 

      2.  My facebook page - - This is another page that provides direct links and videos.  It also serves as a more direct link to whats going on with my radio program as it happens. 

      Thanks for your time,

      Hopefully some of you can give my show a listen!


      Revolution Rock

    • February 13, 2012 1:51 PM CST
    • It's always funny that way with the Beatles, Lemmy said it right that in that documentary that people always think of the Beatles as being the softies and the Stones as being the more ballsy rockers. But the Beatles were the working class scousers and it was the Stones who came from Surrey which is probably one of the most middle class counties in Britain.

      That's not to say they didn't change into something else. Paul McCartney has just released Kisses on the Bottom and seems to be considered "national icon" status in Britain which is as rock n roll as the Queen. 

      Rock À La Casbah said:

      I think that what pisses off people about the beatles most of the time is that 'middle class' pretention into which they evolved with psychedelic experimentations and stuff. It's not about the music in itself. They kind of turned the primitive and spontaneous aspect of rock'n'roll into something more pretentious.  Like Lenon staying in bed with Yoko for a week in order to protest for peace. I mean what the fuck. rock'n'roll has always been ambiguous about what it meant by 'revolution and rebellion' but I don't think it was made to stake that kind of stupid claim.

    • February 13, 2012 1:11 PM CST
    • I just don't like them.  I also am not much of an Elvis fan.  I would say there are probably a few tunes by both of them that get my toe tappin', but I can live without them.  They are both too clean for my taste in rock-n-roll.  Jerry Lee Lewis was much better than Elvis, but his hair wasn't as pretty.

      This is me being nice about this subject.

    • February 13, 2012 12:30 PM CST
    • There's such a range of material with The Beatles, lots of innovations and just simple good pop tunes too. It's impossible to dismiss them with a straight face.

      I wouldn't obsessive over them, but there's some gems that I love (along with some stinkers I avoid) and I imagine anyone willing to dig through their back catalogue will find something that works for them.