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    • May 7, 2012 3:19 AM CDT
    • TOL-PUDDLE MARTYRS from beloved Australia.....kickin' ASS since 1966!!!!!:):))


    • May 7, 2012 3:13 AM CDT
    • DOLLY ROCKER MOVEMENT from my beloved Australia:):)


    • May 7, 2012 3:11 AM CDT
    • Ultra 5 are kick ass:)

      IDON MINE said:

      Thanks for that! Had not heard of them before! Also the Pandoras are the THING.

      Jersey City Mods said:

      Here's another from a band that we loved in the 90's. It might scratch your itch.

      Ultra 5 "She's the Girl"

    • May 6, 2012 7:19 AM CDT
    • I would also say, that this sound is quite around and we are really awash with good and not so good bands that play with these elements.

      By your description, WILD EVEL AND THE TRASHBONES would also fit your taste. Hard working, hard partying - both on stage. They got this shit down.

    • May 6, 2012 7:16 AM CDT
    • Thanks for that! Had not heard of them before! Also the Pandoras are the THING.

      Jersey City Mods said:

      Here's another from a band that we loved in the 90's. It might scratch your itch.

      Ultra 5 "She's the Girl"

    • May 7, 2012 1:53 AM CDT
    • I THOUGHT IT SOUNDED LIKE "And little early birdie came by anus curly whirly , and asked me if I needed a ride", too ....

      Here's a good one - "You Don't Know (How Young You Are)" 13th Floor Elevators.

      "Her daily life revolves around a thousand petty hassles"

      "Her daily life revolves around a thousand EDDIE HASKELLS.".
      b0nes tra5hyf said:

      Ha ha ha, that's a classic misheard lyric. Wrapped up like a douche in the middle of the night...

      John E. Midnight said:

      Manfred Mann's "Blinded by the Light"

      ..."deuce", not "DOUCHE"

    • May 6, 2012 2:13 AM CDT
    • Used to love this round in Never Mind The Buzzcocks. Ever wondered what Elvis Costello and Ten Tudor Pole sang?

    • May 6, 2012 8:57 PM CDT
    • I was kinda one of those people Kopper mentions... though it was way before I discovered the Hideout (which incidentally does very cool contemporary comps! Great work Kopper! [even though I haven't actually got any of them... see below!])

      I used to make CD-Rs for use on our radio shows (saved carrying in boxes of CDs!) and then give them away to friends... And as Kopper says, now you can just do downloadables...

      However, not everyone has access to, or can afford to use, the internet... so there is still a place for the trusty CD.... For example, we live in rural Australia, there is only one internet provider (bloody TELSTRA! Listen to the brilliant song by Sour Sob Bob about its woefulness!) and just a couple of downloads and clips on youtube uses up the whole month's usage! It sucks! But I digress...

      My point is that there is a market for well-thought-out compilations... maybe tying up with a good independent label (such as 'Off the Hip' or 'Laughing Outlaw' or.....) and though you won't make money, you should hopefully cover your costs, and we, the public, will get some great music... compilations ROCK!

      Failing that, yes, make CD-Rs and give 'em away... and please send me a copy! heh heh!


    • May 5, 2012 8:46 PM CDT
    • This used to happen all the time on the Psychotic Reactions forum on the old GaragePunk Forums message board (pre-Hideout). People would make comps of their '60s garage 45s and then send out CD-Rs. Of course, now it's easier to just make the comps downloadable. So yeah, I'd do it, but I wouldn't worry about distribution or actually making any money from it. Just give 'em away for free.

    • May 5, 2012 8:17 PM CDT
    • So's I'm thinking how cool it would be to throw my dusty hat into the soybomb ring with a collection of uncomped 45s. Yes, I know it's not a moneymaking proposition, it's all about turning people on to hidden treasure. Anyone here try it? Was it a pain getting decent distribution?

    • May 6, 2012 6:17 PM CDT
    • where do you live peter? Im from that way to (little village about 30 miles from peterborough).


    • May 6, 2012 2:24 PM CDT
    • Hi Sonicmama,

      Thanks for the add, What part of norfolk are you in? I'm from there originally, Thetford to be precise. Have been living in Yorkshire for the past 20 odd years though, have 2 girls as well. Any garage type events in norfolk? There used to be a club in Norwich called 'The Coffin Club' my band almost played it a one point, but broke up before we had the chance.



      sonicmama said:

      Ola! My name is Josephine and I live in Norfolk, UK. I have 2 little children aged 3 1/2 and nearly 2. Not been on this site for long, known of it for ages and listened to podcasts but getting disillusioned by Facebook and would rather talk to more normal people on here! Anyway I was into blues for a long time and suppose it all went from there, I love soul and RnB as well and obviously a load of other stuff, mostly on my profile, errrr hate filling these things out... I also like taking pictures, reading, the beach (I live right by it), usual stuff I guess! Studying a health and social degree at the moment. Would like to be a nurse some day but have to work evenings when my kids are in bed so it's taking a bit of time! So yeah. Add me if you want to chat!

    • May 6, 2012 3:44 AM CDT
    • Rohan O'Fukenshite? It seems that you have singlehandedly established a new high standard of coolness for rocknroll names. Wow. Mr. O'F., you are currently without peer in this regard. Could it be that you are a member of the Irish gentry, like Barry Lyndon? Were you in that movie? Were you in THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS or DRACULA, PRINCE OF DARKNESS? You SHOULD HAVE BEEN. Think how cool your name would have looked in the credits. Seriously, I am now, like, automatically interested in Quiffs N Coffins. Would you believe: there was actually a COFFIN STORE in a partially-occupied strip mall near my house. It folded. Now you have to go to the Trappist Monastery in Dubuque to get a decent box. But they're very nice. I wonder-what would it take to get Quiffs N Coffins to play in the CORN ZONE of the central US? You could really mess with people's heads here. They're not even sure what Ireland IS! The US is ripe, in more ways than one, for a band of your, uh, predilections. How do I know this? A ROCKIN' BAND with a neon-creepy ghoulvibe would just fit the zeitgeist, pun intended (I firmly believe that wretched puns are a lingering symptom of LSD damage, but I digress). Still playing my CRAMPS LPs, Kevin Edwin Kral, 2603 Falbrook Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA 52402-2603. ps. any stickers?

      Quiffs N Coffins said:

      Hiya guys. 


      We are a punk/psychobilly band from Ireland called Quiffs N Coffins. 


      Love the site, hope to be a contributing member of the community :)


      All the best.


      Rohan O'Fukenshite

    • May 6, 2012 3:31 PM CDT
    • Didn't Pete Doherty start by doing Guerilla gigs in The Albion Rooms?

    • May 6, 2012 1:42 AM CDT
    • This is amazing stuff.

      You've gotta love how the mainstream music press is completely unaware of where any sort of pulse is. The NME's reaction is, "They put a gig on in their house! Who puts a gig on in their house?! Crazy!"

      Bring on more Ikea gigs. Love it.

    • May 6, 2012 2:30 PM CDT
    • My take on it is that if the records labels really wanted to support the independent stores they wouldn't just do it for one day each year. Having one day each year is good for publicity but only gets people who don't usually visit these stores to go there once each year. How about if the labels spread these releases out over the year but still only made them available to independent stores. This would work in two ways, it would get people to the stores more regularly and would also allow those of us who buy the overpriced vinyl they release to spread the cost and not have to take it all in one hit.

      Having RSD supplemented over the year with more exclusives would be good for all concerned I reckon.

    • May 6, 2012 7:31 AM CDT
    • Yeah, prices on those "special limited releases" are a bummer. The only thing I could get a hold of, was the TRASHBONES single: The mess I'm in.but it was nice seeing something happen around where I live. Else we only get releases of not so local labels, mostly.

      ...Oh, it's my 2nd Trashbones post today, take it easy on me though.

    • May 6, 2012 2:28 PM CDT

    • May 6, 2012 11:49 AM CDT
    • Personally I think any band that is trying to establish themselves needs to take their releases seriously. Digitally downloaded music has opened up a lot of doors, interestingly enough it has even opened up the door for vinyl become more affluent than it has been for a long while.

      I'm with the Count in that if you are going to press physical copies of your music (which you absolutely should) the content and quality of the album is more important than the quantity.

      What I mean is, if you're first starting out at establishing a band and you don't have much money then let the records be rare and the files be everywhere.

      Also, cassettes are cheap as hell!

    • May 6, 2012 2:53 AM CDT
    • The first heavy metal song!

      I don't think they would have ever said that they invented any sound or style, but their sheer popularity as a band means that for many people they were the door being opened to all that went before them and came after. Joey Ramone always cited The Beatles as one of his biggest influences.

      No music is not influenced by what came before it, whether as homage or rejection.

      Axel Björnsson said:

      they wrote helter skelter. its a sin to dislike.


      Byrds are still better tho.

    • May 6, 2012 2:13 AM CDT
    • the hentchmen!

    • May 5, 2012 3:04 PM CDT
    • Playlist May 4/2012 Fillin for Bandaloop with Light Bulb Alley as special guests as they were playing in town at Call The Office. It was supposed to be with Paul Caporino of M.O.T.O. but he was turned away at the border.

      1. Cheap Thrills....You Make Me Wanna...from their self titled 10" record. Since they are from Light Bulb Alley's hometown of Montreal, why not start the show with this record.

      2. Nick Lowe....Heart Of The City...from his Pure Pop For Now People (AKA The Jesus Of Cool) LP from 1978...a classic tune to get things going.

      3. Persian Claws...Mysterious Mystery...brand new from this garagepunk hideout combo.

      4. The Damnsels...My Gender Role...from their 2nd 7" as we have a Damnsel living right here in sleepy London who gave me this record the other day...thanx Jinette!

      5. catl....Get Outta My Car...from their Soon This Will All Be Gone CD. Record release party is Sat May 12th at Call The Office.

      It was about this point the Light Bulb Alley guys came in and we started to yammer about stuff.

      6. Light Bulb Alley...Long Time Coming...from their debut CD, The Sound Of Things on Ricochet Sound.

      7. Light Bulb Alley....Eye In The above.

      8. Light Bulb Alley...Who Do You Love? above

      9. Light Bulb Alley...Bad above.

      10. Light Bulb Alley...Pepper Spray...from the latest Garagepunk Hideout CD compilation, We Love Trash.

      11. Walnut Kids...Can't Stand 'em...from their 7" on Going Gaga Records. Drummer Seb was in this band and they played London once, opening for Paul Collins at Moon over Marin.

      12. Walnut Kids...Sabrina....demo...Seb didn't drum on this one.

      13. The Nils...In Betweens...from their Sell Out Young EP...Seb is the current drummer in The Nils as well as his duties in Light Bulb Alley.

      14. Frankenstein 5... Cryin' Shame...from the CHRW CD compilation Dig Deeper. 2 members of the Frank 5 are in current bands, The Reply and The noble Savages who both played London recently with Light Bulb Alley.

      15. Dry Heaves...Shoot Yourself...from the Italian LP of the same name and from Windsor, which is where Light Bulb Alley played last night.

      16. The Spies....Underground...from a 1980 7" from this Windsor combo.

      17. Weirdonia...Nymphochondriac...from their latest CD Freaks. Light Bulb Alley played with these guys in Windsor the previous night.

      18. Weirdonia...Green above.

      19. The Demics...New York City...from the Talk's Cheap 12"...gotta edumacate these guys about London's past.

      20. The Demics...I Won't See You No More...from the LP.

      21. NFG... At The Boot...from the 63 Monroe 12" and more education about London bands.

      22. Bloody Hollies...Good Night Sleep Tight...from the latest garagepunk Hideout compilation CD.

      23. Teenanger...Cops...from their latest LP Frights.

      24. Shirley McLaines...Cigarette...from the latest Garagepunk Hideout CD.

      25. Party Lights...Before You Came Here....from their only 7" and some of the members are in Allistair's other band, The Allistairettes....good way to tie everything in for this show.

      26. Light Bulb at Brennan's Beer Bistro 4/21/12.

      Here's a link to the podcasts...up for one week only: